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  3. Can I use plus addressing on my email account?

Can I use plus addressing on my email account?

Yes, we offer support for plus addressing on all email accounts managed by our web hosting servers.

Plus addressing is a clever way to organise incoming email, so you don’t need to sort the messages manually. You may also use it to keep tabs on if a company gives out your email address, or if they’ve sold a list containing the address.

To use plus addressing, you add a plus sign and a folder name in the email address. For example, if you use hello@exempel.se you can enter hello+invoices@exempel.se to automatically sort incoming email to the folder invoices on the email account.

There is no need to adjust any settings on your email account to use plus addressing, it is enabled by default for all email accounts managed by our web hosting servers.

Regarding folder management when using plus addressing

The default behaviour when using plus addressing is that if an incoming email message is intended to end up in a folder that doesn’t yet exist, the folder will be automatically created. You may change this setting via cPanel for the web hosting account managing the email account.

If you do not wish folders to be created automatically, follow these instructions:

  1. Begin by logging on to cPanel.
  2. Click Email Accounts under Email.
  3. Now click the Manage button to the right of the email account for which you wish to edit the setting.
  4. Scroll down until you find the Plus Addressing section. Here you may edit the setting regarding automatic folder creation.
  5. Once you’re done, click Update Email Settings to save.

If you turn off automatic creation of folders that don’t exist if a plus addressed email message arrives, it will end up in your inbox instead – just as it would if it wasn’t plus addressed.

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