How do I login to cPanel? cPanel is the name of the control panel that you use to manage your web hosting account. There are several...
How do I manage PHP? Via cPanel, you can manage a vast amount of settings for PHP; what version you use, which extensions that are...
How can I login to the client area? You can manage your services, invoices and contact information through the client area as well as create, view and reply...
How do I reset the password for cPanel? If you have lost, forgotten or in other ways misplaced your password for cPanel there are two methods to reset...
Which server is my web hosting account located on? To find the name of the server where your web hosting account is located you need to do the following:
How do I restore backups via Acronis Backup? In this guide, we’ll show you how to restore files, databases, email accounts, and email forwarders from backup using Acronis...
How do I install WordPress? Installing WordPress (and a whole lot of other platforms) is a very simple task using our one click installer Softaculous,...
How do I create an email account? You can create email accounts with us in two different ways: via the Client Area and via cPanel. This guide...
How do I use two-factor authentication for the Client area? Two-factor authentication (2FA) is something that’s used when you log in somewhere. One example where it can be used is...
How do I use Elastic Scaling? Elastic Scaling is our feature where you can upgrade system resources for your web hosting account. The feature is available...
How do I give more storage space to an email account? When you create a new email account via cPanel, the account is assigned a disk quota of 1 GB by...
How do I change the password for an email account? If you have forgotten the password to your e-mail account or for some other reason want to change it, you...
How do I forward email? If you want the mail for an email address to be forwarded to another email address, you can set this...