How do I create or edit a DNS record for my domain? The name servers for a domain determine where the rest of the Internet can find information about which servers a...
How do I connect to my web hosting account using SSH? Via cPanel You can always access a terminal through cPanel. Please follow these instructions to do this: Via SSH client...
How do I manage PHP? Via cPanel, you can manage a vast amount of settings for PHP; what version you use, which extensions that are...
How do I connect my email with Microsoft 365? If you want to use Microsoft 365 to handle email for you domain name there are a couple of things...
How do I set up cron jobs? Getting started with cron Via cPanel, you can find the cron settings via the icon Cron Jobs under Advanced. Choose...
How do I change the document root for a domain name? To change the document root for a domain name you need to follow the steps below.
How do I use the File Manager in cPanel? Finding the File Manger Upload a file Download a file Download a folder or multiple files Rename a file or...
How do I restore backups via Acronis Backup? In this guide, we’ll show you how to restore files, databases, email accounts, and email forwarders from backup using Acronis...
How do I login to WordPress admin? One of the practical aspects of WordPress is that all administration, modifications etc can be done via an admin interface...
How do I get started with Python on my web hosting account? Oderland supports running Python-based web applications based on the WSGI standard, which most larger Python projects follow. Running Python applications...
How do I disable wp-cron for my WordPress installation? Wp-cron is used instead of “proper cron” for WordPress installations. The purpose of wp-cron is to handle automations, such as...
How do I get started with Node.js? Via cPanel To get started with Node.js and creating a new application, begin by logging on to cPanel. Then, click...
How do I change language on cPanel? If you want to change the language used inside cPanel, you can do so after logging in. We officially support...
How do I enable remote access to my databases? By default, access to your databases is only enabled for localhost. Sometimes, however, it’s necessary to connect to a database...
How do I edit my contact information in cPanel? If you want to edit your contact information for cPanel, where email messages about SSL certificates, disk space alerts, password...
How do I use X-Ray to analyse my website? X-Ray is a tool that simply put can help you analyse loading times for websites on web hosting accounts. By...
How do I install WordPress? Installing WordPress (and a whole lot of other platforms) is a very simple task using our one click installer Softaculous,...
How do I use the Object Cache feature via cPanel? On our web hosting accounts, Agency services, and Managed Servers you have access to object cache via both Redis and...
Why do I get Internal Server Error 500 on my website? Internal server error 500 är ett väldigt generellt felmeddelande så det är svårt att säga exakt varför det uppstår. Men...
Where do I find error logs for PHP? PHP errors that occur during runtime have their own log management, in contrast to http errors that are logged under...