How do I connect to my web hosting account using SSH? Via cPanel You can always access a terminal through cPanel. Please follow these instructions to do this: Via SSH client...
How do I manage PHP? Via cPanel, you can manage a vast amount of settings for PHP; what version you use, which extensions that are...
How do I set up cron jobs? Getting started with cron Via cPanel, you can find the cron settings via the icon Cron Jobs under Advanced. Choose...
Which server is my web hosting account located on? To find the name of the server where your web hosting account is located you need to do the following:
How do I change language on cPanel? If you want to change the language used inside cPanel, you can do so after logging in. We officially support...
How does the CloudLinux Manager in WHM work? In this article, we walk you through how the CloudLinux Manager (previously known as LVE Manager) accessible via WHM works....
How do I change the resources for a cPanel account via WHM? You can change the available system resources for a cPanel account in two different ways. The first method is to...
How do I activate WordPress Toolkit on Agency and Managed Server? If you have an Agency plan or a Managed Server you can activate WordPress Toolkit from WHM. It’s your choice...
How do I manage packages in WHM? Using packages, you who have a Managed Server or an Agency account can customise predefined account templates regarding settings and...
How can I see my resource usage via cPanel? In our web hosting accounts, a specified amount of disk space and monthly bandwidth is included. Different account types also...
What IP address does my web hosting server have? Via cPanel You can find the IP address (the IP number) for your web hosting account under cPanel. Via the...
How do I change the main domain on my web hosting account? The main domain on a web hosting account is the domain that was entered when the account was ordered/created. It...
How do I temporarily suspend a cPanel account via WHM? Sometimes you wish to suspend a cPanel account you’ve created via WHM (without deleting it completely), e.g. if the client...
How do I manage feature lists in WHM? Feature lists dictates what icons and functions that are available on a cPanel account using a package which in turn...
How do I change the username on my web hosting account? Due to technical limitations in cPanel and the underlying operating system CloudLinux, it’s not possible to change the username on...
Where can I find the files for my website? For each domain added to a web hosting account, there is a folder called the document root. The document root...
How do I manage LiteSpeed Cache via cPanel? LiteSpeed is not only a piece of web server software that’s faster (and, in many cases, better) than Apache. It...
How do I create additional logins for cPanel? There are several ways to give someone access to a web hosting account. It is up to you, the person...
How do I set up a temporary domain on my web hosting account? On our web hosting accounts, a temporary domain is normally set up when the account is created. This temporary domain...