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  3. How do I upload disk images in Oderland Cloud?

How do I upload disk images in Oderland Cloud?

When creating a server via Oderland Cloud, there are a number of different operating systems to choose from. However, we cannot provide all variants, but have selected the most popular systems. If you want to use one that is not among the standard options, you can upload your own disk image to install on your server.

When preparing a disk image, you should as far as possible use the Cloud version of it, and not a “regular” ISO file intended for a physical server/computer. OpenStack has written more about this here.

Follow these steps to upload your own disk image to Oderland Cloud:

  1. Begin by logging on to the Oderland Cloud control panel.
  2. When you’ve logged in, go to Compute (the cube-like icon) -> Images in the menu to the left.
  3. Then click the + Add image button at the top right.
  4. In the box that pops up, click Browse to locate the image file on your computer. Then give the image a Name and select the distribution category that best suits the image you are uploading in the Select OS distribution. Then click the Add button.
  5. Your image is now being uploaded. Once the upload is complete, you will be able to use the image on servers within the Oderland Cloud.

Please note that the upload process may take a long time if the image being uploaded is large, or if your Internet connection is unstable and/or slow.

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