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  3. How do I delete a server from Oderland Cloud?

How do I delete a server from Oderland Cloud?

Please note that all data on the server will be deleted when the server is removed. Therefore, make sure you have saved all material from the server before you start the removal.

Om du satt upp en server tidigare via Oderland Cloud och inte längre använder den kan du radera servern. Det gör du genom att följa dessa steg:

  1. Begin by logging on to the Oderland Cloud control panel.
  2. When you’ve logged in, go to Compute (the cube-like icon) -> Virtual machines in the menu to the left.
  3. Click on the row for the server you want to delete and then click ... on the right side of the server toolbar. In the menu that appears, click Delete.

It is not possible to undo a deletion you have started, so double check that you have saved everything from the server that you want to keep!

  1. In the popup that appears, click the Delete button.
  2. As soon as the server is deleted, it will disappear from the list of created servers in the interface.

Usually the server is deleted within a few minutes, but sometimes it can take longer.

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