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  3. How do I add more domains and/or subdomains to my web hosting account?

How do I add more domains and/or subdomains to my web hosting account?

This guide describes the interface that replaced the previous ones for addon domains, aliases and subdomains. The developers behind cPanel have decided to no longer provide the three old interfaces, and everything is now managed via the Domains icon inside cPanel.

To be able to use multiple domain names or subdomains on your web hosting account, they first need to be added to the account. This guide describes how to do this.

Please note that you need to own the domain name, it will not be enough just to add it to your web hosting account. If the domain is not already registered, you may do so via our website.

If you are going to use the letters ÅÄÖ in your domain name, you first need to convert it to the IDN format. Then you can add that to your account.


To add a domain name to your web hosting account, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by logging on to cPanel.
  2. Click the icon Domains under Domains.
  3. Click the button Create A New Domain near the top right.
  4. Enter the details of the new domain.

    Fill in the information as follows:

    Domain: Here you enter your new domain name, such as addondomain.com.

    Document Root: Untick the box next to “Share document root…” and then specify the directory on your web hosting account that you want to use for the domain’s files. We usually recommend using a folder according to domains/addondomain.com (if it is the domain addondomain.com you are adding to the account).

    Subdomain: cPanel uses a subdomain of the account’s primary domain to keep track of the added domain. You can use cPanel’s automatic suggestion that appears when you fill in the domain name above.

Remember to untick the box next to “Share document root…” if you want the domain to work independently (i.e. in the same way as an “addon domain” in the previous interface). If the checkbox is ticked, the domain will instead be added like an “alias” in the older interface.

If you are in the process of adding a domain to a FreeDNS account, the “Share document root…” checkbox will be ticked and cannot be unticked. This is because FreeDNS accounts only support so-called alias domains.

  1. Click the Submit button once you have entered the details of the domain. If you want to add more domains in sequence, you can use the Submit and Create Another button instead.
  2. Once the domain is added, you will see a green box in the top right corner to confirm this.


To create a subdomain for a domain already added to your web hosting account, do the following:

  1. Begin by logging on to cPanel.
  2. Click the icon Domains under Domains.
  3. Click the button Create A New Domain near the top right.
  4. Enter the details of the new subdomain.

    Fill in the information as follows:

    Domain: Here you enter your new subdomain’s name, such as subdomain.oderland-demo.se.

    Document root: Make sure the checkbox next to “Share document root …” is unchecked and then enter the directory on your web hosting account that you want to use for the subdomain’s files. We usually recommend using a folder like domains/subdomain.oderland-demo.se (if it is the domain subdomain.oderland-demo.se you are adding to the account).
  5. Click the Submit button once you have entered the details of the domain. If you want to add more domains in sequence, you can use the Submit and Create Another button instead.
  6. Once the subdomain is added, you will see a green box in the top right corner to confirm this.
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